by White Buffalo Calf Woman "twin deer mother"and Holiness David http://twindeermother.blogspot.com/
December 21 2008 is Winter and Summer Solstice Day. It will occur at 12:04 Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Known as the winter solstice in the northern hemisphere and the summer solstice in the southern hemisphere. It varies between the 20th and 23rd due to the seasonal differences on the Gregorian Calendar. December Celestial Solstice The sun reaches its farthest southerly declination of -23.5 degrees away from the sun at the North Pole.
The December solstice occurs annually all places above latitude 66.5 degrees north now in darkness, while below latitude 66.5 degrees south pole will receive 24 hours of daylight. The sun is directly overhead on the Tropic of Capricorn in the southern hemisphere during the December solstice. It also marks the longest day of the year in terms of daylight hours for those living south of the Tropic of Capricorn who will see the midnight sun during this time of the year.
On the contrary, for an observer in the northern hemisphere, the December solstice marks the day of the year with the least hours of daylight for those living north of the Tropic of Cancer will not be able to see the sun during this time of the year. Even thou it cannot be seen, it is considered one of the most powerful times of the year by many cultures around the world as we enter the darkness to become reborn again.
Solstice is an ancient Latin word meaning "stop," or "to stand still." In the Webster's Dictionary, it refers to one of two points when the sun is furthest from the celestial equator. Just like a Rainbow makes us stop to look at it because it has one or two points joined by light or the reflection of light and is considered half of a Sacred Circle of lights. We have often seen a Rainbow in the sky, but two is a rare occasion. When two halves come together the sacred circle is formed. Here we own completeness of the end to the beginning of the new era in the season of the rolling hills during the Winter Solstice. The circle is complete to start again another year and viewed as the rebirth of the sun. We now know this Sun in the sky is the same very soul which is represented by a Golden Cosmic Father who teaches us brotherhood in the dawning of the new age. To be still and know who you are teaches us how to fly with the soul that is everlasting and enduring. We who travel on waves, the song of love.
In the northern hemisphere, often called the midwinter's day has been the chosen celebration throughout the ages. This shortest day of the year reflects the sun as it lowest point which is pivotal to the brighter growing light, marking the the turning point of the year. The sacred circle returns home once again. Welcome home to the Golden light of the SUN. "Dies Natalis Invicti Solis", happy birthday to the Unconquered Sun. The Winter Celestial Solstice is the celebrated "Children's Day". Japanese children are honored with special gifts and go to temples of holiness. The shambhala children's shrine is a display of ancestral dolls, celebrating the young people who belong to us as beloved reminders of the future. They join with the old to greet the Great North Eastern Sun at the junction of darkness to the South Western Earth. Here darkness and light meet again in love and we celebrate with open hearted parties and cheerful festivities. This is all done to honor our children. But most importantly we ourselves are children and we are learning to become the perfect child, who knows the perfect soul lives within the perfect body.
We the children of light learn to bring warmth, light and cheerfulness into the darkest time of the year. Darkness is marked with glory and creation or sorrow and imprisonment. Which shall you embrace? As with any darkness we must learn to keep our spaces sacred with purification, with a simple prayer "I bless this space". This will ease suffering in our communities. This day becomes the celestial origin of "holy days", the way human beings mark sacredness in the yearly cycle of life welcoming the Sun home again. We are the perfect children where birth of the light within the darkness finds our way home towards the dawning of the seasons of time, often we call this awaking our spiritual evolution. As this is a crucial part of the natural cycle, the sacred circle completes and begins again, the sun begins anew journey towards longer days.
We are entering growth and renewal of the world once again. Spiritually our paths find hope in the restored reflection and a new vision begins. Spring will come again with the planted seeds of creation that sprung life within the darkness. The Goddess Mother Earth gives birth to all the related as God grows into full strength during the longest night of the year.
In Nova Scotia outdoor colored lights are used in local celebrations of midwinter festivities. With darkness so early, bright lights sparkling and glittering in the crisp air gives cheer in the cold and darkness of Winter Solstice. With the birth of light, the Sunshine or Rainbow Clan, the multicolored garments of light, we all remind our selves of traditions ingrained associated with the Sun. It is a time marked with feasting and celebration. Fire and candles are used to give tribute to the dawning light. When the leaves reach into the heavens and the roots reach deep into the earth, trees trunks represent the laws of love by the way they unite the perfection of Heaven and Earth. We also represent the tree of life spiritually, as our souls reach into the earth's heart by walking the path of love and our bodies reach into the celestial heavens.
We are united by the law that unites Heaven and Earth, the law of love. And as each of us are bright and beautiful, we also decorate our trees with ornaments that reflect the lights within us all as unique as a snowflake, delicate and perfect. The Germaic ancients often held oak and fir to be of the most sacred trees. The oak tree changes with rolling seasons as the perfect soul and the fir is evergreen, embracing us as the perfect body. Here we again unite Heaven and Earth!In Scandinavia, the winter festival was called the Yule. And so they burned Great Yule Logs and people drank dark mead around the bonfires. We understand the magical effect the yule logs created as they added fuel to the light, but the mead?
Once a lucky man stumbled upon the contents of a beehive. Which had been left out in the rain and the honey inside had fermented. Behold mead! Nectar of the Gods or honey wine. Favored by Viking Warriors because they believed it put fire in the belly before a battle. In Europe it was traditional to supply enough mead to newlyweds for a month, ensuring happiness and fertility. Here the word honeymoon originates with the exchange of the law of love. The fire's light represents our celestial garment of lights and the honey is sweet from the heart of Great Spirit Mother, who gifts to us our very body. And again, heaven and earth are united as we drink mead around the fire of purification. Blessings to the darkness, where the light is reborn.
This time is often associated with ancient legends of the Earth realm and singing poets of the Heavenly realm. The great yule log, mistletoe, candles and fires are all symbols of the winter solstice.Mistletoe is consider sacred because it grew on the most sacred tree, the Oak. It was ceremoniously cut with a golden sickle and a spray was given to each family, to hang in doorways for luck. The Druids regarded mistletoe sacred. The Druid priests handed it to the people, calling it All-Heal, for it treats many illnesses like rapid heart beat, high blood pressure and even epilepsy. It was used to hang over doorways as goodwill to visitors. Kissing under the mistletoe was a pledge of friendship and continues to have a special place in our home celebration.
However, the mistletoe custom and appreciation go back to the Greeks, who used mistletoe for the marriage rights as it was a giver of life and fertility. Also considered a plant of peace, where enemies and warring couples could kiss and makeup. Here again we see the law of love and promotion of prosperity to ward off evil spirits as the light of the fire, sacred holiness purifies all the related. Mistletoe plant exchanges with the tree and often found up high. It doesn't take root in the ground, but in the branches of tree itself. The light is born on the law of love, the trunk or branches, the part that unites heaven with earth. Although it gets all its nutrients by taking from the tree, its presence keeps the tree green throughout the winter. A symbiotic relationship that gifts life just as Mother Earth gives us life.
Now that we know the reasons for our celebrations, let us look further into the plight of humanity. During this intensified times, we are struggling to find a path that leads us to happiness. When the world as we know it crumbles right before our eyes, how do we keep our sanity? We learn from the Celestial Solstice. We learn that Heaven and Earth unites because of love. And if we follow the laws of love, we will be able to endure the troubled times ahead. We must remember to keep our spaces holy and sacred by blessing frequently every hour of every day to successfully migrate into the yellow rolling hill in evolution. Remember we are perfect and what is not perfect does not belong to us. Within we yearn to become the crystal(perfect body)-indigo(perfect soul)-children (perfect child) of the Rainbow Clan (multicolored garments of lights-body-earth) of the blue (kinships-soul-heaven) of you and me, traveling together over the Golden (brotherhood-ahau-the law of love) rolling hill in time. Welcome home Heaven and Earth. We are the Spirit of the lake, the sacred circle come home again!
Right now in our lives we feel numb inside, because we deny our very souls which lives within us all. And now we live in discord and we journey through our Earthly experiences without recognizing Greatness all around us or even within ourselves. And what is confusing is that we live as if this is the normal, and this chaos lives as if we don't even realize how much detriment it causes. We can't see it, so it must not exist we think. However, your radio works fine and you don't see any waves that are being transmitted across the airways. My beloved family it's as simple as a child. Remember joy in your heart, bless all the related and keep the law of love close at hand. These are the tools to keep you safe in the chaos that lives all within the Oneness of God. Keep your house holy and purified and you will know the pleasures of the Celestial Gardens as we stroll with Mother Earths heart. Choose the Red Road, the law of love.
Yes, we are interconnected by light and our faith. As we ask for Divine guidance remember the celestial bodies ask for your Earthly guidance. We belong to each other and to each other we will provide the path of sacredness to the Great Migration to the Yellow rolling hill in Evolution. We are shifting reality as more of humanity learns about prayer and holiness. And as we learn to listen to each others storie,s we share the vision of the coming perfection of Heaven and Earth and we learn to fly with our eternal souls again. Evolution escalates as more and more of the Rainbow Clan practices sacredness in their daily lives. It's one thing to tell others, it's quite another to be what you say you will be or do what you say! This is the perfect child, truth.
As we enter the dawning of the new year, pray that your clansmen around the world will learn to open their hearts and put intelligence in the background. Because if you don't choose this path, unhappiness and even madness may fall upon you. So instead, let us offer a gift to the world – send from your heart a golden dust that falls from the heavens as earth receives the glittering stars. A prayer of song and dance that is united in love. We must strive to do what we say and unite the realms within ourselves so we may know the uniting with the Great Spirits who hold us in the palm of their hands. We bless all the related as they walk the red road along the horizon between light and darkness the sacred way.
As Yellow Chief states, "I accept this challenge". We are part of the Oneness and belong to each other. And as we learn how to unite our hearts, remember the road to love we must endure together and not apart. For our lives of all the related are interconnected as a Whole, the Oneness, often called God. Next year the Crystalline body will learn to feel others hearts, not reflect but truly feel their hearts. When they suffer so, how will you learn to receive all their pain? Only by blessings will you and your family know safety. We must give our celestial soul family a hand and teach them about love, when they have not been taught. For it is the superior man who is entrusted to assist the inferior man, so the inferior man may become superior.My beloved family feel joy again. Dance, sing and celebrate Heaven and Earth as they unite with the laws of love.
Everyone is feeling the quickening inside our hearts. People everywhere recognize that change is in winds. Be ready to receive the Heavenly Realm into your awaiting arms in the Earthly Realm. If we continue to deny our souls, we live with unhappiness and have terror be part of our lives. But if we recognize our souls then happiness and joy can be part of our lives. To walk the sacred Red Road, the law of love, is never easy. But as Yellow Chief says, "I accept this challenge."
Let our 2009 be a year of revelation for our Souls Within the Body of Lights. As Heaven and Earth fold together many changes will unfold. Let us keep faith in the rhythm of the sacred rolling hills. Keep blessed my Rainbow Clan, the Blueof you and me! We are the perfect children as the Winter Solstice reminds all!
A Joy Light From Within – Angel Services around the world...
White Buffalo Calf Woman and His Holiness Running Eagle Shooting Star "house of david"
a 501 (c) 3 religious organization
http://ajoylightfromwithin.blogspot.com/ Sanctuary Return Blogs for the gatherings
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email: alightfromwithin@gmail.com
email: sacredstormdreamer@gmail.com
A Joy Light From Within-Angel Services around the world.
PO Box 390904, Mountain View, California, 94039
We gift this prayer to the "Joy" where lies "A Light From Within".

All stories shared is one step closer to knowing our hearts path. We are beings of light which are not separate but held together with love. This Unity we feel is our Heart, which lies at our feet. This Heart belongs to our Mother Earth and as the Heavenly Realm folds into the Earthly Realm, many magical transformations will illuminate knowing. We must be prepared for the coming yellow rolling hill in time. Join the Great Evolutionary Migration. Welcome Home!
This article is not copyrighted, and you have our permission to share it through any medium, cut and paste anyway you like as long as you sign your proper name (I suggest your email address) where credit is due. You shared it! We belong to each other and to each other we gift. For our beloved Rainbow Clan, the muliti-colored garment of lights, the children of the Great Spirits.
©2008 God, the oneness of all the related, the blue of you and me...
Spirit of the Lake people arise!
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Twin Deer Mother welcomes you into her heart. May you know freedom and happiness, where blessings flow freely, like a river, the crystalline stone river that is! Aho, may your spirit fly and Thank You Relatives for your comments.