The House of the Beloved Stands, the Star is Born to Lead Us into the Golden Land! Have to rock to and fro because the tree needs to grow. Come dance and sing with me .... for liberty!

Just singing in the wind. Just singing in the wind! What a wonderful feeling, I'm grinning again! I'm happy to bee hear, to listen to your fears, then dancing and singing will relieve our tears. Come let's sing in the wind. Feel merry again. It's a heart, that looks out for the wondrous things. Because you are here, feeling no more fear, as you send your song to the wind. Just singing in the wind!

"If Love is What a Mother gives, She Scolds You Till You Choose the Above (Heavens Law), the Love of Uniting Two Broken Hearts, That's What a Mother Does", says Holiness David Running Eagle Shooting Star our Father Red Hand.

Life is a Roller Coaster and Now I'm on a ride, over rolling hills again, and back to the place where I collide (dark and light). Heaven (dark) and Earth (light) come home to me and we will be getting along, where the sunset returns again, the place I call my home. Star is born (Morning Star), the light does shine, every single morn, and I have to open my heart, so I can get along. There is a kingdom out there, the place of paradise, and we are going home right now, if we can only collide (soul and flesh). Be my heart and walk with me, be the rising sun, have the place of wonder in the wishing land. Singing to your heart, White Buffalo Calf Woman is finally home at last! Ask for blessings, come receive the greatest you have known, there is promise everywhere, just you look and sea, the heart of wisdom knows the place, the heart that can conceive.

Call Elders With Your Questions!

Telephone Conference with Elders
Schedule appointment at email White Buffalo Calf Woman interpreter (iyeshka) at or Holiness David Running Eagle Shooting Star holy man (wakan) at

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"the law is coming, the law of love. follow the blue road (soul), follow the red road (flesh), follow the yellow middle way (rising sun), starts to begin"

White Buffalo Calf Woman Given Honor

"I Bless Myself" and "I Bless the World"

Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy
Pray With Elders around the World
Welcome Home Rainbow Clan! We who live into the new time in evolution will enter the third sacred direction, the yellow rolling hill. Upon Mother Earth, the children who understand are part of the Blue, over flowing water from me to you. Such joy in our reflection! We are all related and therefore form kinship bonds to each other. Our Perfection is worn as a Garment of Multicolored Lights, the Four Sacred Directions within the Rainbow Clan. Aho Spirit Fly along the Red Road, the Law of Love!

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Saturday, December 13, 2008

Channeling and What is it?

Channeling and What is it?
In the world today many are called "spirit channelers" or "spirit medium".

But what does this word mean to channel? We broadcast TV and Radio, on frequency spectrum transmission to communicate or express our voices down diplomatic channels or graphic design. A channel is for drainage or tubular passageway for transmission, like thru bedrock, land (shorelines) or water. It can be a geographical strip of water separating land, according to depth or course of a stream, river or canal. Electronics travel a path along a electrical current signal sending online website updating information automatically. The groove, trench or furrow in architecture or sculpture is also called a channel. A channel directs something along a specific route or goal like channeling energy into volunteer work. In Latin "canalis" means "groove". Many people even say, "Get the grove on." In French "channel" it means "the way". And in Asia, "the way" is considered the natural course of all life, which we should all be a part of. We even have a perfume named "Chanel", after this very important course of action along a wave motion.

Now a medium who receives messages from the spirit world is called a para psychological medium which is transitive and intransitive for an immediate display or viewing on request.

How do some have this ability and some do not? Well it has to do with how well you receive and act like a channel or receptacle for the data transmission. And everyone is different. You see everyone has light. And this very light is varying within us all. This light or many call this light, auras, but we call it the "Sacred Four Directions of your Garment of Lights". And this is why we are called the Rainbow Clan. Each of us have these various colors of lights surrounding us.

These four directions give us a house. The Green person represents the fourth position, the breath. Here the four walls of a house, which allows us to breath. By the way, many call breath the vehicle or merkaba. This is why the breath is so very important in our lives. It contains the rhythm to our house or four sacred directions. The house holds fast and still, like our skin which holds us together, but the breath moves undulating along a path or channel. This channel is what receives information. We all have this access. All we must do is enter the "vision quest". But many do not understand that this heartbeat motion or dream is "soul action" and the body motion is "physical action" or "gifting to another". The soul receives the current, the body does something with the receiving information, whether it be love or hate or even what kind of foods will you have today.

Every action we take in life is governed by our very auric bodies our sacred garments of light. We turn this or that way or that because we vibrate similarly with another relationship or related object. This light which governs our lives is what makes us all perfect, just like a flower turns its face to greet the sunshine. And how we deal with these conflicts of light is how we will solve our issues all around us. Do we act kindly to others or do we blame them for what we are misgiven? Do we even remember the actions against you or do you only remember the hatred? If we feel pain over something, it is because we have felt we have received an injustice. This feeling is what is needed to be addressed, always. We must learn to speak from the heart. When we deal with heart issues, we validate the feelings and we solve problems. We learn about each other and start to listen to the stories of age old time.

It is a Channeler or Spirit Medium, one who is more understanding of these feelings, because they are acting from the heart. The heart is what drives our souls. Remember it is the action along a channel, or the wave along a path. This is the same with a Channeler. When we are able to do this, we become one with God. Melchizedek Priests all must be able to Channel. This is the very requirement of knowing God. We think this ability is only for the few, but no. It is not for only the ones who call themselves "Channelers", but available to everyone every night they close their eyes, they dream. When we dream we become Channelers who join the spirit world and fly by the way we dream day or night! Some fly more than others depending on who they are in the oneness of God, but none the less, this very motion and body are part of perfection, which is the image of God in everyone and everything. This is why we call ourselves "all the related". We are related to everything and everyone because our light bodies are all interconnected by channels. These channels are what we are learning about when we listen to our family.

Since we all can channel and are learning how, what make the difference between a good channeler or spirit medium better than the next? First we must look at our light. If my light "the reader", channeler or spirit medium, has four colors and the "light of the book" or the person being channeled has another four colors. That is eight colors, the number associated with unity, or holiness. [This is the color lavender which generated red, the law of love(blessed purification or sacred) or hatred (not blessed or not sacred).] Now if we practice loving kindness, we learn about the other and receive information, if we do not practice loving kindess, we are not able to receive this data of the heart. The good channeler knows how to open the heart. When the heart is open to receive then information is flowing and we can create various forms of action to get this communication accross. But still what about the colors?

It is the Color of the lights which give us all the answers. When you have eight different colors of lights reflecting back and forth, it can get all very confusing. This is why we get confused because of the colors of the lights, even those who are color blind, because these motions are the waves of the song of the soul and body of the house of breath, the book of life. When your light says one thing and the others says another, then you can get an interpretation conflict. now this is what happens all the time, with everyone. Now if your color is close to the vibrations of the other person then you are more apt to understand where they are coming from just like colors that line up with the Rainbow. But this is only the light, what about the flowing of that light. Those who are loving have more even tempered flowing patterns and even higher signals. Those who are not understanding of love have infrequent tempers or flowing love signals. So we must consider both the body or channel and the flowing the rate or beat of cycle of our heart.

When a Channeler, from Earth, receives a being from the other realm, from Heaven, they become the house where the signal transmission can pass through. And depending on the colors read this information can be translated to the world. Now this is where all the confusion belongs. It is only the Crystal person who can give you TRUTH, all other is a Reflection of the Truth depending on the combination of Information both from the Receiver and the the Received. This is called a Story or the Book. It is the Crystal person who can read the Book of Life because they hold light and can separate it perfectly. This gives them the ability to know TRUTH. None of the other colors can do this, but all of the Colors of the Rainbow Clan can be a Channeler or a Spirit Medium. We must only practice our skills and learn how to receive with the Heart!

your devoted servant,
white buffalo calf woman (twin deer mother)
elder crystal person (iyeshka or interpreter)

"the way" (i ching) to knowing God or having Channeled God, is the ability in knowing our Dreams. When we know and follow our dreams we are happy. but often our dreams seem to be taken from us, we must rekindle this dream out into the world to bring the Golden light of Brotherhood in our Actions, the way we use incoming information, from Knowing our Sisterhood of the Heart, the rhythm of the our souls song.

Join us at the gathering "One under the blue sky" as this picture states with the perfect soul! Welcome Home Rainbow Clan!

Contact Information . . . Heaven and Earth Welcome!

A Light From Within Presents. An Ode to Joy. We gather and teach our kinsmen about the red road, the law of love in the changing times of the yellow rolling hill in evolution.

Angel Services around the world!
A Joy Light From Within - a 501 (c) 3 religious organization - P.O. Box 390904, Mountain View, California, 94039 USA Email: Telephone: 01-650-669-0412
Four sacred colors of God "garment of lights"
White Man-Father Nation
Black (blue) Man-Mother Nation
Yellow Man-Child Nation
Red Man-Twin Child Nation
North _ Peninsula
South _ Islands