Hello My beloved zivana whispering wind white tail,
There was a time, I gifted to you your treasure. You did not like it. I got very angry with you. I raised my voice. And you knew I was angry all the way over there in Sumatra Island. Now you didn't like it one bit at the time. And you didn't know why I was so angry with you, but you later understood and you grew. You learned about yourself. You used love to resolve the conflict.
Remember my little deer (migrating being of light), who you are! You are the Green Person, the reflective crystal...what does that mean? It means that you are the leader of the pack, because you unite what was separate. A true leader always follows, White Tail, who waits until the end for all the ones who fall behind.
Now, if this is the case, how do you unite? If you ask for us to use love, and we don't, what are you going to do? Well you are the soul elder, and you are the Green person, you must unite our hearts in the darkness, what was separate now is one flowing. You are the valley of the majestic bodies of flowing. Here you capture all that comes into you, by your receiving and embracing, like a valley embraces a river. It is not easy being your perfection, but the heavenly golden overlay leads you into the unknown easily giving you the ability to find your way for the dream of brotherhood. If this is so, then you must just practice, embrace us (you do this with your soul now realize it). This is the only solution for a Green person. Keep clean and bless. Do not clean your house; stagnation and putridness appear. Clean and bless, the flowing and pure appear. This is the house of God, clean it or it gets messy. You unite by embracing us, regardless of what comes your way. Just keep blessing your house when they (all the related) come through! Keep it sacred. Keep your self blessed! This is your only protection in the days ahead.
Many of the world have disagreements. This is a known fact. But how do we resolve them? Even in our own houses we do not know how to resolve them...so instead we turn our backs away from them. We think, "If I go and hide sooner or later they will forget and move on. I don't want to hear that stuff." Then we do not resolve any conflict and we hold on to the problem and then we feel unhappy and we wonder why! And then what do we do? We start to fight and then we move on to emotional violence leading to war to solve all our problems! The world around us is crumbling. And the first part of the yellow rolling hill in time we must remember is that destruction is the first thing we achieve.
How do we embrace destruction and have brotherhood? This is a good question that I will answer. Now let us move back to the household conflicts. If I am angry about something and I blurt it out, my feeling is gifted to others. Now we would rather have loving feelings instead of hateful feelings, but how do we cause destruction to this hatred within brotherhood? We resolve the conflict! We bring it to the negotiation table. We create a resolution, because the loving way is the only solution. We talk and we talk and we gift the way we feel. After awhile we reach a compromise, unification is made. And we now have a new way of resolving what was in the past, rather than quarreling. Concessions will be made. But if you are really astute, you will learn and listen. We negotiate a compromise, until all parties are satisfied; this is destroying hate and teaching love (replacing hate with love through forgiveness).
Now if we go further and no resolution is made. We deny the problem with our denial processes. We must then stand our ground and validate. Validate every thing that is said. If you at least do this, then they have no ammunition to attack you anymore. They will turn to attacking themselves. They become frustrated by you and perplexed, and they do not know what to do. This is when violence happens. They now have nothing to affect the opposing party with their insults. The truth is the truth. Validate, Validate, Validate. And don't forget to bless them. (and if you know a holiness or lavender overlay person ask them to send love, for this love cannot be refused)
Everyone feels; this is called the heart. If you continue to exacerbate (aggravate with insults) a wound of hatred, eventually they will destroy themselves. But this is not what we want. We want them to learn how to free themselves from hate into loving negotiations where it becomes one of reciprocal give and take. This is your ultimate goal of the Green Person, is to embrace. You must now enter the soul and spiritual world and work from here. The Green Person does this naturally. We must now, bless them. And bless them again. We must send love to them. We must stand our ground until love is understood by them. And most of all we must hold our ground with validation. A Golden Angel Warrior you must become. The soul world, within each of us, the darkness of Mother's realm. These are our Mothers who love us. She resides within us all. She is called Great Spirit Mother, the well of life, the four sacred directions before birth. You are the birthing, with the dream. You are guided by the heart.
A golden angel warrior is one who is willing to stand by the laws of God, because they want others to find happiness within themselves. If we ignore when others are in conflict. We feel rage all around us, and emotional violence. This is felt so often from the world. It's like a static vibratory worry button. This is the button the Green reflective crystal must help by uniting the hearts. This worry is from not resolving issues with the world around us. And we become unhappy. This is the embrace you must give to this worry. Do not become this worry, as it will destroy you. Many Greens go,hide and use many drugs, not to face this worry, They do not know how to embrace others worry, because you cannot claim it as your own Green Person. If you want to help them, you tell them to resolve their problems in the physical world. And if we don't, you tell us to keep trying until we do, because this is love. Teach forgiveness to your family, NOT denial. Teach the truth of your feelings. I know if the Green is not happy, we are not happy as we have many green persons here, at crystal_indigo_children@yahoogroups, who are not happy. They have not set up counseling appointments with me yet, like you have my white tail, my fawn. Someday you will be the Deer Person who is the Golden Angel Warrior.
Now we are going into the spiritual soul world. What can we do here? The soul does it's job anyway, you might as well know what you are doing with it and control it. Each of us are different, but the same rule applies to everyone, the red road, the law of love. How do we operate our Souls? We use them anyway, our Souls, but have no idea of what it does. Learn about your soul and your body and what your mission is, through "seeking the way". Here are the two methods.
1. meditation, soul, dark, moves on electromagnetic waves, a song.
2. movement stroll in garden, body, light, moves on light waves, the body.
You always get better at something after you use it for awhile and our souls are being guided by us. We are like children who do not understand how to use our soul spirit. You realize you are flying around with your soul or if you are holding fast and still. (You are the Green Elder and you see four dark walls, the inside of the house of God you hold fast and still.)
You learn how to fly with your soul, when you practice meditation and/or total immersion with God, like being with the elders of the animals, plants and rocks. You are gifting to each other. These elders exchange with you, they gift to you and you gift to them something. These are the Golden Angels who others want to be around, like the trees (green by the way). The exchange gives off a glowing, and others are attracted to this. This is the light of the birth: dreaming! What vehicle do we use? It is the heart, which travels on the song waves and not the light of the body. Its like the pregnant woman, her light doesn't change but she glows somehow, because a dream is being birthed inside of her. The child who is just born, dreams. This is us, who are learning to be like children.
"What makes it golden is the dream, the heart leads the song, your feelings. All feelings are valid. Validate my children, validate my elders, validate everything, we are oneness. Allow!"
These two styles show us that mediation takes us inward to be with the soul world in union and harmony. And strolling among my elders and family, takes us outward to be with the body world in union and harmony. You can stroll around your neighbors and gift them time, here in America we call this volunteerism. But if you are helping someone, you are volunteering and strolling around your neighbors. This is why some forms of meditation have included movement like tai chi or yoga, uniting the soul flight (vision quest or inward journey of the soul) and included the light of the body (outward or strolling in the gardens-exercise), uniting both realms within and without. These forms are usually short bursts and release, called anaerobic, following a wave pattern. Rather than a cardiac pump without great motion which is aerobic and only of the body, which often takes 20 minutes to reach peak performance, when the spirit of the soul finally joins in. Anaerobic takes about 3 minutes to strengthen the heart and you feel united once again. By the way yoga this 3 minutes is in each posture. In tai chi (martial arts or chi control) a single form, and that's all it takes to get united between the soul and the body.
With the soul and physical bodies united you find peace. When I was young in my 20's many used to come up and ask me to teach health care workers (doctors and nurses of the world) via talks and conferencing. At the time I did not really understand these two bodies, so I started a Medical Clinic to teach, rather than talking at others. This way they could come to me (crystal person is a door and must allow others to come to the door), instead of my going to them, instead of giving seminars i gifted a place of learning. These two styles, meditation (vision quest) and total immersion into God (volunteering or strolling in a garden). Both teach us the way home to unification in the Brotherhood, the Golden light of the Dawning a dream has begun. A birth of the twin stars (body and soul) within the blue (kinships created by the reflection from the bodies of water) of you and me brings peace.
The highest ideal is eternal and self-abnegation, where there is no I, but all is thou; and whether he is conscious or unconscious of it.
This happens when we use and know both bodies, the soul and the physical body. A union is born, this bond is a birthing of the twin stars within each of us. Christians say, Born Again! (Christian means those who follow Christal or Crystal like Nathan, Jesus, Moses, Krishna, Muhammad, (men in 2nd rolling hill) White Buffalo Calf Woman, (women in 3rd rolling hill) and other crystals to come.)
Now, everyone comes to me and asks about the perfection of God. This is what you need to teach also, we are perfect. How do we become this perfection? How do we take the vision quest? We look inside to the flowing with God, everyone and everything. Or we look outside to the flowing with God, everyone and everything. No EXCLUSIONs, not one over another, but whole. WE are all related, all equal, all deserving love. (*And if you want the seed to grow and have a good chance, plant it within the best soil; the red, lavender and crystal persons, for we are the soil that is nurtured by love and purification. Next plant the seed in the person who gifts to you, not the one who doesn't, this allows for a better chance for the spiritual seed to grow. Does the organization you donate to, do anything for you?) Meditate and stroll with your neighbor if you want to know God. Invest your time and money for them, your family and they live right next door. Love thy neighbor is a commandment of God.
This is the Greatest Gift this union, this is what the Lavender person does, Our Holinesses all around the world. They unite in both worlds, as they have only a unified body and sometimes when they loose their heads they don't even realize who they are. All they need do is Arrive and bless themselves or enter realization of the event. Their mission is to unite our hearts. They do it, now they must realize it and direct the energy to overcome the conflict through purification and unity, but often many walk away not knowing their Greatness. This is a Great Power to unite us all. This is the POWER of our HOLINESSES. They can unite us, whether we like it or not. They can Purify us whether we like it or not. Purification takes place and a destruction of the impure begins. Their fire, the red produces by their soul bodies destroys impurities in our light bodies, this is why they are holiness and a blessing to the people. WE use fire everyday to purify. For example, we heat and boil water to make it purified. We cook meat to purify the blood. We put a needle in the fire to purify before taking out a splinter. We use an autoclave or steam cleaning heat to purify. This purification of FIRE unifies from one world to the other world. Unification, knowing and experiencing the feeling of love will unite our hearts. Only by purification or destruction by the fire will you be released from the bonds of hatred and love will be known. A nourished soul grows strong healthy and happy this we are learning.
Red person, Lavender person, Crystal person are the Crowned ones, the ordained three wise kings. If the world does not plant seeds into the three kings who come to take care of them, how will we live? So the seeds must grow in the rock bed and try somehow to break the rock and find the soil before the sun toasts me. This is not giving your seeds enough of a chance to grow. If you take care of the seeds you plant, you begin to now have spiritual growth among ourselves. And fruition of our spiritual well being will flower once again. This is what the third yellow rolling hill will bring to us, this knowing of the laws of God, the three wise Kings, Red, Lavender and Crystal people. If you want your personal spiritual evolution go and find one of these persons and gift them your anything or everything. Only by love of the planted seed that grows. The law of love, the red road. This will bring riches in the halls of justice in the heavens, the ring of eternal bells will be known. The call of freedom, where our souls fly free and attachments to conflicts are forgiven and we are released to join in the soul spiritual world of flight.
All of us are perfect and this is how we get there. By becoming the perfection which is written across your heart (soul) and light (body) we become the Paladins of the Golden Age. Our Golden Angel Warriors will forge a new frontier. This is true war. The war against separation and to go against all odds to bring freedom and unity to us all. We all are perfect and belong to each other, now we must REALIZE it.
So my fawn, we have no time to waste. The third rolling hill is upon us and we must save as many children of God we can. For we cannot turn our heads in denial no longer, we must trust each other again to feel, to champion to each other towards unity.
When a man does not validate, he does not hear! If a man validates, he can then listen to what is being said. Then he will know that he must listen to their heart and not the words. Intelligence gets in our way all the time. Who is right or wrong does not matter. Who solves problems, is a Golden Angel Warrior.
your devoted servant,
white buffalo calf woman (twin deer mother)
elder crystal person (iyeshka or interpreter)

Join us at the Gathering at Crystal Indigo Children
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Twin Deer Mother welcomes you into her heart. May you know freedom and happiness, where blessings flow freely, like a river, the crystalline stone river that is! Aho, may your spirit fly and Thank You Relatives for your comments.