Relatives at the Circle, Hoops and Beloved Brother Stephen,
There are many more chakras or gogi (nervous system plexus) |
Inline response
sa: for Stephen Anderson and cw: White Buffalo Calf Woman.
Aho and over the rainbow we flow!
sa: Stephen Anderson 9:53pm Aug 22
To White Buffalo CalfWoman;
I bow to you and all our rainbow relations, past, present and yet to come.
Many blessings and greetings from the Tiwi islands.
cw: White Buffalo Calf Woman 4:24am Aug 26
Beloved Brother Stephen, I bow and send blessings from California. I am the crystal child. And you are what color? Don't forget to ask for your four directions in rainbow colors Brother, to learn about your GREATNESS and POWER.
sa: Hear my prayer
Forgive my rudeness in neglecting to address the circle, also in giving my name to which I have some inquiry.
cw: Listening, but not sure what your prayer is (asking), thus I will listen with my heart. Always forgiven, but still want you to share your heart at the circle as well. You have an inquiry to a name meaning? Send it along at the circle and we can look into it's interpretation and meaning. All names (birth, nicknames, given names, etc.) support the great name, that is written on your book of life.
sa: I have the privelage to work with Australia's first nations peoples in the spirit of reconciliation aware this is an ongoing process and not simply a point of arrival. A recent first visit to the US with a senior Indigenous female artist (elder), culminated in a visit to a Pow Wow in Taos where she was heartily received to perform in the seven sisters dance.

cw: To me, Australia's First Nations are the black/blue mother nation, like those of Africa. Much different than the Native Americans, who are red twin child nation. This means you as a white man, father nation is assisting the mother nation, the black/blue indigenous tribes of the Island Australia. Mother teaches us to walk with our hearts. Father (white hoop) is learning to return to the great circle to mother and children (blue, red, yellow hoops). You were in Taos! Yes, I hear she was received to a seven sisters dance. With other tribes? Or a performance for that tribe (a sharing). You know Taos New Mexico is one of the holy poles, the ordained Blue Lake People. This is the Name, Twin Deer Mother, and a story of two deer mothers who journey on the great circle. This is the name they call me (Twin Deer Mother), thus they are the "WALKERS (Blue Lake People, with Her Holiness Looks Back, Chief)". Look, the Mother Nation (Australia's First Nation) is the "teacher of the walking" of the heart. Ah, how sweet. You see, Mom is teaching one of her Kids about the dance (Seven Sisters, a dance about a realm, a place)!
sa: I have the responsibility to talk to artists stories on their behalf and feel somewhat anxious when doing so. As a white man I have addressed and to continue to address the concept of binary opposition regarding the 'black and white' thing.
cw: Talking with our Sister Climbing Star recently, Holiness David Running Eagle peeped out, "the meek shall inherit the earth", because she was saying she was shy. He said, she was okay, he was shy too." Your feeling anxious is the wind. It is not blessed enough and it's a constant struggle to attain spiritual cleanliness, especially with the black and red peoples. There is much hatred and unforgiveness. This second orange phase of evolution we depart soon, means the Mother (tears of blue) and the Seed (fire's red) where not known or shown, because it lied inside us, like a seed planted, but not yet grown. We are entering and preparing for the third yellow phase of evolution, where the rooted soul is exposed. All is revealed. This means the blue and the red hoop peoples will reign, because they represent the heavenly darkness, that only need purify to shine within, a light from within. These will bow and expose their hearts, validate and share blessings and all their knowledge at the great circle, including those unseen (soon to be seen for many, now more and more aware, we intersect light, as the twin suns migrate closer together, sow does our soul and flesh, unite together, beginning to harmonize with each other. it's the only way to survive, with an increasing need for spiritual development, the law is love. We fight for the sacred blessing and the sacred bow, then the rain and tears from above, flow down to below where the crystalline stone trail leads, to the to and fro, where the river shows (zig zag pattern).
cw: You said, "the concept of binary opposition regarding the 'black and white' thing." I say, "the concept is unity regarding the black and white thing."

cw: Without realizing, you and others around you are stuck on the red road, wheels turning but going nowhere. This is binary opposition. There is no opposition in unity and using intelligence does not equate to happiness on the red road. You receive all that is needed to be heard on the blue road. But when we continually repeat the lesson, this is all the red road opposition or polarity, where the law of love hits you right in the face, meaning lessons and more lessons. This repeating is opposition, because someone doesn't want to bow down to love's calling, then we remain separated, when our hearts so very much want to be together, to dream together.
cw: So, how to handle this? You start on the blue road. Think of it this way. If you walk around in a circle, you are on the red road, you think and react. If you beam out like a song, in all directions, a wave is sent out from your heart. This is the blue road where stillness and reflection, allows and receives. You have to receive what comes at you, through validation or story telling. Just repeat what is said and that's it. You become the echo and this is the wave you want to ride. Their words "Voice of God" have a place, regardless of the emotional context. Learning to validate pain and suffering means you have to start practicing now with little things. After awhile, you learn to validate as a matter of fact even in the heart of an emotional battle. Love hears, receives, this is the law of love. This is the blue road. One must start here to follow the law of love, bow and receive one another on the great circle of the heart and it's beat.
sa: Rather than be drawn into this dualistic debate I represent in essence the spectrum of the creators infinite potential that is embodied in both real and symbolic terms.....The Rainbow.
cw: It is good you have guided them towards opening up to all fields/spaces. You have to realize it's a collision and we must learn to deal with collision of heaven (heart) with earth (mind). Talking and reaching towards the Rainbow is a constant yearning even for those who don't understand, but seek to understand. Thus the seekers journey and those who are stuck on the red road, lessons and more lessons, find a singular point of view, rather than unifying it with others. There are more power in numbers for sure, however we must choose who stands near you, will they offer you spiritual strength and compassion, through the sacred bow. To understand the Rainbow Clan, one must understand the rainbow colors, their gifts and their powers. The rainbow is a bow, a promise, the arc of the covenant. You want to understand the rainbow family, then you must ask for your four sacred rainbow colors from me. Then start learning about all the rainbow colors and paying attention, because you will after awhile, recognize behavior of our relatives. And understanding our relatives helps us to get along. We are four colors, blue/black (Mother Nation), red (Twin Child Nation), yellow (Child Nation) and white (Father Nation). There is what we call the north and south poles, golden (northern penisula) and brown (southern island). They are where all is folding the streaming through nine directions. What contains are the four walls of colors, we call the buffalo robe. This tells us what color we are, how we have our perspective and duty in the Oneness of God's Unity, at the great circle. But the way, the rainbow is sometime seen with two rainbows (seen and often unseen reflection), think of this as a reflection or folding of light. Two rainbows equals a circle. This unity is the glory we all seek.

cw: Once you follow the law (1st. bow on the blue road and received through validation, the echo), you can tell them what you think (2nd. red road). If there are still stuck in opposition: The fight is on to unite broken hearts, stand your ground on this principle, the law is love, the sacred bow at the great circle. The rainbow brings to us the promise of the ark (sailing free, understanding liberty) of the covenant.
- A: Demand they do blessings, fire and water, forgiveness blessings. note: ask for an elder to gift a prayer for everyone. you can gift a prayer for everyone, anytime you feel the need, trust your heart.
- B: Demand they do constant prayers.
- C: Demand we are fighting to be together, not fighting to be apart.
- D: We come towards the circle and the only thing anyone can ask of anyone else is the sacred blessing. Ask/demand this, "I bless the sacred nine streams".
- E: If they won't, you will. Then you begin and bless, "I bless the sacred nine streams". And make sure you use fire, smudge, sun, star, but must have a true fire containing all rainbow colors. Many spiritual beings will flee and so will many physical beings. Who is left standing are those willing to be blessed, bow to the sacred cleansing, like taking a bath with water and burn our growing fields. We purify now with fire and water spiritually, to cleanse our buffalo robe (holy temple) and our spaces (nine streams), this is where the winds, the smoke and the breath of life is the sacred dew/cling two. A fierce warrior will take them down to the ground, until purification takes place, but this takes some warrior training to understand the ability of the power of love. You will find, women are better at this type of love, because they do the to and fro or swanker/swagger or watch her walk, those hips move to and fro. This also happens in her (soul) mind, moving from the right to left and back again in the hemispheres of her brain, thus moving from blue and red road, creating dreams (yellow road) to come true for the whole family.
- F: 1-9, this is math proof of the rainbow clan. The rainbow clan is based on this perfection. There are nine streams. And when you bless nine streams, you cover the entire spaces or flowings. I use one image for my profile which is a blue circle with a red inner circle, then yellow strands connecting the two. There are nine streams shown in that image. A Great Spirit Father Walking Soul said, "nine streams and four directions". So I have added this, to include the walls that unite us all, the sacred four directions in rainbow colors, our buffalo robe or holy temple, which houses our soul. 9 (magenta, the rainbow bridge) and 4 (green, the spiritual valley) equals 13 (golden, brotherhood). If you at least bless the nine streaming, all is blessed in your space.
sa: Having crossed the conceptual line my fear is gently dissolved by a long forgotten child of beauty, that is love.
cw: I would say the conceptual line for you is a dreaming. You help them to dream the dream, to look for love in the world today. Yes, this helps them. It's their own participation of blessing, which will help them find that lost forgotten child of beauty, the soul within that receives love from others.
sa: A hawk visited upon my return from work yesterday, indeed now is a time of quickening in my spiritual development.
cw: Hawks are the Mother of the Eagle (an eagle is a hawk species). the Eagle is holy. The Hawk is heavenly. Heaven is dark space, but only known, when purified, cleansed infront of our eyes. This is why Grandfather Standing By Me, felt better after hearing the sacred song blessing "Wash Me Clean With My Tears" She said, "Greetings White Buffalo Calf Woman, This is a wonderful song that I feel was directed right into my heart! Thank you - LOVE and Dreams
Grandfather (Helen) Standing By Me ♥". The Hawk is heavenly, just like Grandfathers, the white star child. They bring the humble bow to the world, including all spiritual beings, simply meaning cosmic dust, the illumination of rays. All things seen and unseen, not matter how big or small, all have four sacred rainbow colors as a buffalo robe. What is unseen, often heavenly, woman, twin child, south, the valley, the crystalline stone river is feared, because it's dark. The Hawk is mostly speaking about the most unseen, Grandmother the gray child, the most honored, because she always embraces all including the cosmic dust. To sea (with many eyes, like Grandmother does), to envision, one must cleanse their buffalo robes with purification. By the way, all seen things carry a gray color, in order to be weaved into dreamspace and to radiate or reflect light. Light is born in the dark, however it's the weaving in and out of light and dark, that gray appears. This story is of the spider with many lenses or eyes, like our recent wasp image of their crystalline eyes. But often our lenses are not clean, we must cleanse with purification techniques (prayers, blessings, spirit dance). Blessings cleanse the wind, our hearts and will then heal the garden of paradise, Mother Earth. The four walls, the four directions are busy traffic areas, we share, like a freeway. This unseen place, the valley (green) holds the reality or dream space together. The hawk is much like this, often unseen, yet bringing to us heavenly knowledge. We await, as you said, a quickening in spiritual development. Realize my Brother, this same quickening is upon us all. We are going through this together and many are lost or exclaiming, but often don't understand their dreams. This is why we must share at the circle, for each carry a piece of the puzzle to the whole dreaming we share together, not one over the other so many are quick to return towards on the red road of intelligence. It's not who is right or wrong, but about who is going to share, all is rare (a gift, a jewel, a present).
sa: Aware that it is ones actions that define ones character, I have had difficulty in taking a spiritual name. I have received names in an adoption process from my indigenous families. This is my connection to mother earth and grandfather sky.

cw: Actually, this concept "Aware that it is ones actions that define ones character" is very much the way descriptive names are given. Without realizing, they (name gifter) are often describing your rainbow colors. The great name, which is written on your book of life, can only be given by a crystal child. It's a simple song. However I feel it's an honor to receive and those who share and gift through warrior training, will be gifted their names. However at times, if someone really needs a name, I will gift part of their great name and at sometimes, it just pops out at me. But for the most part, the Great Name includes your Mission (first, blue road) your Tools of Light to accomplish that mission (second, red road) and if you are lucky (third, yellow road), your Dream. The Great Name gifts your mission, your ability (descriptive name) and your dream. Many First Nation peoples try or attempt to give the second name. I have seen the name describe their buffalo robe, but without the mission name, it's hard to understand self in all the confusion. The GREAT NAME, tells us our course, we know and feel towards. All other names, including nick names, support the great name. So my beloved, why don't you share all the names you have been gifted and we can interpret them together and understand more about you. And what about your christian name, "Stephen Anderson". These too will support the great name.
sa: My Eurocentric geneology Russian, French Canadian, Irish, Scottish (truly of the rainbow) has been difficult to integrate given the foundation of colonization and the ongoing state of lateral violence existent for the colonized.
cw: It's interesting that Australia talk about violence as lateral. This means it moves outwardly. What we need to dew or cling to, is move inwardly. All this collision often takes us to aloneness, but if shared we could collide together. If you really want to drive the force of love into spaces, one must cleanse and purify it. There is not enough blessings and prayers going on daily. I tell warriors at least 8-12 times a day. It's not easy, to get the world to also bless this way, but this is the wave, the only wave we can ride to freedom.
Expose and know, otherwise explode and divide. We best collide with open eyes. Validate all the chide.
cw: Here you say, "Russian, French Canadian, Irish, Scottish, truly rainbow". But what I see is a white man, the father nation, who must learn to come back to the great circle. I can see you are truly making an attempt at this, meaning returning to the rainbow (four hoops, blue, red, yellow, white). This is the very role of the Father Nation in this day in age need to dew, cling to, as we slumber into the third rolling hill in time, the yellow phase of evolution, when our soul greet our flesh and we are swept into elation of love, joy and laughter, because tears are what make us heavenly relatives on the tree. Thank you for dewing your part and helping this happen for those near you. Think globally, act locally, eh.
sa: It seems I am a servant to the truth of what is and therefore find comfort through relationship with my Rainbow Warrior family. Walking the red road toward unity we truly live in interesting times.
cw: There are many groups out there, people claiming to be Rainbow Warriors, but they don't have the foggiest notion of the "Buffalo Robe", the sacred four directions in rainbow colors. A true warrior knows one law, LOVE. Anyone going around saying or filling us up with laws or articles of rules, doesn't know the LAW, the sacred bow. A spiritual warrior bows is meek and only fierce for love's sake, to unite not oppose. Those claiming to be Rainbow Warriors, use intelligence to define their way, because they don't know the blue road way, heavenly virtues from the heart that sings. And walking on the red road is not unity, but most of the time separation and division. The red road is the law of love, where lessons and more lessons pile up on our souls. Most don't even understand the red road or it's meaning. You can tell them this now. The red road is where the law of love is known. If you don't bow to love you get to repeat, so forgive. Starting out on the red road is a default mechanism (tears of pain and sorrow, even violence). We start out on the blue road (tears of joy, dancing, blessings, singing) we become story tellers, validators, those with heavenly virtues of spiritual warriorship. I am the only person in the world in these times, who can confirm and validate rainbow colors (four sacred directions). But soon, all the crystal children will gift this to the world, approxiamately one out of fifteen people. All of us will know our relatives, our roles and our mission, for it's a dawning of mankind, where prophecy has us dreaming for a better world. And all you learn from our circle with Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy, you can share with other circles.
We will join the hoops together, yes, when we start on the blue road and cross the red road, then unity will be harmony, the tune of the birds in the trees, so sweet complete.
sa: I pray for clarity and gentleness in the process of working and walking with others collaboratively toward mutually beneficial outcomes.

cw: Brother Stephen, start by asking for your four rainbow colors (buffalo robe) to understand self. Share your names to get an interpretation (supporting great name, work towards getting on the hoops with Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy). Ask for a Sacred Song Blessing to hear your heart's song. Start to learn about the Rainbow Clan, literally by understanding each rainbow color, virtues and needs. Ask questions often. Realize, that it's not always gentle, that love is hard work and we must fight to maintain it's footing and hold over us (the law of love). Walking towards, this is what Taos means. And this is the hardest thing to do for most to walk towards any conflict. Learning to validate each other, helps guide us to overcome our fears. As we open up, we learn that the great circle will say to us, "relatives of the rainbow clan, really do love me". These are the meek who shall inherit the world, the doves who seek peaceful relations and fight for it's right to have peaceful relations, through the law of love.
sa: I bow; ready, willing and able in the service of love.
Stephen Anderson
cw: Aho my Brother Stephen Anderson (crown of brotherhood-mankind), I bow and bless the sacred nine streams and four directions. your devoted servant, White Buffalo Calf Woman your Twin Deer Mother, elder christal/pearl/diamond child (buffalo robe: crystal, yellow, green, gray),, Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy
Ghost Walk (Sing, Dance, Gather) with us (where you are) each New Moon.
From the darkness we arise a heavenly child.
(2014, solar and lunar calender align, January 1, a cycle of renewal)
Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy 
Pray With Elders around the World
"When you trust your flesh, you lose your address (forgetting you are living in heaven). Trust your soul, the eternal nose (knows or bridge to your flesh, the wild wild west, where the sun does rise within). If you don't know who you are and don't know what you are doing, then know the Soul knows the way, true to yesterday (the eternal circle of life, repeats and grows)!